(866) 317-9197 | (816) 203-0334 | (913) 308-2949 info@pureairkc.com

Mold Inspections and Testing in Kansas City

KC Mold Test

Air Quality Testing

*Most Common Air Quality tests are the most common form of testing in the industry. They are not perfect in their measurements but can be a great tool in determining the condition of a building. Air quality tests are usually taken by collecting a 75 liter air sample from inside the home and pulling it through a small filter. That filter is analyzed by the lab and a report is given. These tests are often compared to a similar test taken outside in the area.

Cost $150/Sample

(Includes inside and outside test)

Direct Sampling

Direct sampling is a great way to identify if what you see is mold or not. A direct sample is taken by grabbing a sample of the actual visible growth. This is done by using a sticky slide (tape sample) or swabbing the growth (swab sample) or removing an actual piece of material (bulk sample) and sending it to the lab for evaluation. Often times an air sample won’t show mold spores in the air if the mold is currently not releasing mold spores.

Cost $150/Sample

(Includes 2 tape samples or 1 tape sample and 1 air sample)

ERMI Testing

ERMI (Enviromental Relative Moldiness Index) ) testing is widely accepted as the most accurate testing method available. It is highly recommended when no visible signs of mold are present and yet someone is showing signs of mold illness.  ERMI tests are performed by gathering dust (food source for mold) and identifying any DNA left behind from mold. DNA sampling identifies the exact species of mold and can let us know if the mold is “black toxic” mold. 

Cost $350/Sample

Give us a call to make an appointment for a free estimate.

(866) 317-9197

(816) 203-0334

(913) 308-2949